Pancakes??? For breakfast???

So today is mother’s day in Paraguay. With every holiday that goes by, people want to know how we celebrate it in the US. Mother’s day was no different. I said most families had a family lunch/dinner with maybe breakfast in bed for mom in the morning and things like that. So I offered to make pancakes for breakfast last night for a little cultural exchange.

The response I got was: “Pancakes? Tomorrow, for… BREAKFAST???”

Apparently pancakes are not a culturally acceptable breakfast item here, so we rescheduled/compromised for “merienda” hour (snack/pre-dinner around 4 or 5).

Anyways, rewind to this morning and the humorous part was that I woke up for breakfast and what did I eat? A cup of instant coffee with buttered bread rolls with honest to goodness POPCORN on top of them! Oh man. I love Paraguay so much in moments like this. We live in such a different world down here!

I hope your day was just as interesting. On this side of the hemisphere, I just ate a delicious pile of pancakes I made with my mom’s recipe from home with the delicious sweet nectar that is maple syrup. So I’m doing alright.

I still have most of the can left. Next on the list: French toast. Come visit me.

About Nicole FR

Just an old soul in limbo.
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1 Response to Pancakes??? For breakfast???

  1. Roland (papa) says:

    Bon Appétit à tous…

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